Dr. Bret Weinstein has spent two decades advancing the field of evolutionary biology, and is currently working to uncover the evolutionary meaning of large scale patterns in human history, and seeking a game theoretically stable path forward for humanity.
Dr. Weinstein earned a PhD in Biology from the University of Michigan, where he was given the Don Tinkle Award for distinguished work in Evolutionary Ecology, and he earned a BA in Biology from UCSC.
He was a professor at The Evergreen State College for 14 years. He and his wife, Heather Heying, resigned in the wake of 2017 campus riots that focused in part on Weinstein and Heying’s opposition to a day of racial segregation and other college “equity” proposals.

Bret’s scholarly research is focused on evolutionary trade-offs. He has worked on the evolution of senescence and cancer, species diversity gradients, and the adaptive significance of human morality and religion. He has written for The Wall Street Journal and testified to the U.S. Congress regarding questions of freedom of expression on college campuses.
He recently co-wrote a New York Times Best Seller, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century with his wife, Heather Heying, which provides an evolutionary toolkit for living a good and honorable life as an ape in the 21st century. He is currently the host of Bret Weinstein’s DarkHorse Podcast.

A Shared Frontier
If humanity continues down our current path, we will not survive. There are too many of us consuming too much, our technology is too powerful, and we are all hooked together in one global system. Our fates are now linked and we will thrive or perish together.
We got into this predicament through an evolutionary process—All of the problems that we face are actually symptoms of a process that has no name.
There is a way out. We can have a world that is sustainable and anti-fragile, fair and free, and safe enough to empower us to take big risks.
This is not a utopian vision any more than a hummingbird is a mythical creature. This is an achievable goal if we can accept a few things:
Given similar circumstances, people are basically alike
An excellent world is possible, but perfection is not an option
The future can not be designed, it will have to be discovered
This is not magical thinking. This is the logical conclusion of inquiry. It is, in a very real sense, the final frontier for humanity. There is no guarantee we will succeed, but we must do everything in our power, because failure will surely lead to extinction.
The enemy that has no name is not a nation, an organization or a religion. It is not a corporation or an industry. It is not an economic system or an ideology. It is a way of living on the earth that evolved, and if we are to change it, we must take evolution from autopilot and into our own hands. We must come together to create the future we wish to inhabit.
— Bret Weinstein